- Original Artwork Available for Purchase
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- Original Artwork- Illustrations
Original Artwork- Illustrations

ORIGINAL - "Baa Baa Bath Sheep"

ORIGINAL - "These Honkers are Bonkers"

ORIGINAL - "Bubble Bath Burro"

ORIGINAL - "Chocolate Chippies"

ORIGINAL - "Furever Golden"

ORIGINAL - "Washtub Diva"

ORIGINAL - "Sweet and Loveabull"

ORIGINAL - "Hog Wash"

ORIGINAL - "Spit Bath"

ORIGINAL - "One in a Melon"

ORIGINAL - "Sweet Baby Neo"

ORIGINAL - "Pumpkin Pie Fixins"

ORIGINAL - "Happy Pig in the Straw"

ORIGINAL - "Christmas Holstein Style"

ORIGINAL - "Brown Sugar"

ORIGINAL - "You Got the Cookies"

ORIGINAL - "The Perfect Lamb"

ORIGINAL - "Forget the Worms"

ORIGINAL - "Scaring the Stuffings Out of Ya"

ORIGINAL - "Rolling Snowballs"

ORIGINAL - "Chickadees and a Pumpkin"

ORIGINAL - "Goat in the Grass"

ORIGINAL - "Who Needs a Tissue"

ORIGINAL - "I Woof You"

ORIGINAL - "I Woof You 2"

ORIGINAL - "Zinnias in my Bucket"

ORIGINAL - "Scarves and Mittens"

ORIGINAL - "No Shelf Control"

ORIGINAL - "Little Harvest Mouse"